2021 Age Group Rankings

Age Group Rankings are back! We will do our best to update these the week following every race weekend. See below on our ranking methodology:

Ranking Methodology:

For a race to be eligible for AG Rankings it must have been held in Tennessee AND had over 50 individual finishers (and also had relatively easy to pull race results).

We take the AVERAGE of everyone's top 3 races for the year. This provides you with some incentive to get out and race often. For example, if you have an off day or flat tire, that result will shake out of your top 3 average if you race 4+ times.

The ranking is an average of your Overall Finish %...so as a simple example if you placed 60th out of 100 in one race, 500th out of 1,000 in another, and 40th out of 100 in another, your average is 50% ( or .5000) for those 3 races.

Athletes must COMPLETE at least 3 AG eligible races during the year to be eligible for final 2021 rankings.

Just a few things to note:

The LOWER your score, the better.

We make mistakes (lots of them)! If you think you should be listed and you're not, or your name is spelled incorrectly, or you see any other errors, send an email to TennTriBuzz@gmail.com and we will take care of it.
