This week we talk to top Tennessee age grouper Jack McAfee and hear about how he started in triathlon, his recent Kona experience, the Bridges to Buffs swim race, and much more. Thanks for taking the time Jack! Photo Credits to Talbot Cox and Nick Morales In doing our research for Tennessee Tri Buzz it was hard to get through race results in Tennessee the last few years without your name at the top. What is your athletic background and how did you get into triathlon? I’ve been “swimming” since about the time I learned to walk, and naturally this led me to compete in the sport from a very early age. But by the time I reached high school, I was experiencing a severe burn-out of swimming which led me to give running a try. Since this was such a contrast to my swimming experience, I flourished, and was able to receive a running scholarship in college. Somewhere along the way I was encouraged to pick up a bike and give a triathlon a try. You ran a smokin’ fast 2...